private group sound baths

Sharing a sound bath experience in a group setting is uniquely powerful.

The collective energy of a group enhances the individual journey, creating a shared atmosphere of relaxation and healing.

Discover the magic of sound healing to bring calm, joy, and good vibes to your special event.


baby showers


corporate retreats

The Experience

To prepare the mind and body for the sound bath, I begin each group session with a grounding meditation. 

This practice helps everyone center their thoughts and open themselves to receive the full benefits of the sound vibrations. 

If you’d like me to focus on something specific for the meditation + sound bath I can create a custom experience. 

I had the pleasure of enjoying Sweet Echos at a local women's event in Sacramento & had such a positive experience! I felt comfortable, relaxed, and open throughout the session - looking forward to hopefully hiring privately for another women's event soon!

- lauren greene


Can I pick the location?

Yes, we can arrange the sound bath at a location of your choice, whether it's your home, a special event venue, or an outdoor setting. Alternatively, we can book your sound bath at one of the private studios I rent from.

What is the cost?

Private Group Sessions start at $300. Depending on the location travel fees may apply. A 30% non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your date.

How large can my private group be?

Private groups can vary in size, but usually between 2-25 guests is the sweet spot.

Interested in a booking me for a private group session?

get in touch